

Kenya’s troubles seem to pile up day by day. Considering the recent initiative by the government, giving a green light to the landing of the the plane carrying on board 239 chinese nationals, despite the fact that there is an outbreak of corona virus, something that has led to most countries cancelling direct flights coming from china. This comes after a video clip showing the passengers circulated through social media thanks to Gire Ali, the whistle blower in this case.

But what might have gone wrong, one may ask. Is it all about ignorance or a matter of negligence by the government towards its citizens. Is there something that us the citizens were not informed about? Closely analyzing the situations that have happened in our country recently, one may think we are guests in our own motherland. Just recently, a chinese international was spotted caning a kenyan citizen in a chinese established restaurant, reason being that the waiter arrived late at work. It was later established that the the chinese national had not even obtained a work permit.

What happened to the fact that the president was to safeguard the sovereignty of the republic? Is this a catch-22 situation to the citizens? We are being held hostage by a decision that we never got to participate in. Political elites have been quiet, no one is addressing the issue. We no longer have a voice in matters concerning our own welfare. We are destined for demise if we do not take matters to action as fast as possible.


The Journey Begins

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
